2017 Walden Annual Meeting Invitation

Post date: Apr 12, 2017 5:42:17 AM

Notice of Walden Public Meeting, April 24, 2017


The Walden Board of Directors invites you to attend our annual public meeting. This will include a discussion about the proposed affordable housing development by Habitat for Humanity (HFH) at 1250 Las Juntas Way.  The meeting will be held at 7PM (registration at 6:30) on Monday evening, April 24, at the Renaissance Club Sport on Jones Road.  The developer has been invited to present the project for our review.  We will also be discussing ways to improve the increased traffic congestion along Cherry Lane during commute hours.


As you may be aware, Walden members and friends are opposing the HFH development.  In doing so, we will be developing a position that addresses our concerns yet recognizes the reality of various forces at work on this project.


We respect the goals of HFH, and we are not, per se, against a development on the subject property.  This parcel, however, is zoned for transition between single-family homes and multifamily condos and apartments in the area.  A project consisting of up to 29 condos is consistent with this zoning.


However, at the Las Juntas site, HFH is proposing to construct 45 units on this 2-acre site.  The City of Walnut Creek, because of its goal of fulfilling its obligations for affordable housing, is supporting this development.   Walden objects to the proposed density, as it vastly exceeds that which the zoning permits.  Habit for Humanity has recently constructed only ten housing units on a similar-sized lot near the Walnut Creek BART station.   Why should our neighborhood accept a project that is over four times as dense?  We feel that the attendant impacts on traffic and population are an unfair burden on us.


We ask HFH what kind of a development is possible on this site that is consistent with the existing zoning rather than relying on multiple variances and concessions?  What kind of a project would allow the retention of the trees on the boundaries of the sites and comply with required setbacks on the borders of the site and between structures?  What kind of a project consisting of two levels would be considerate of single-family homes bordering the site?  How can the residents of this project be protected from up to 100 decibel noise levels we have recorded coming from BART?


We would like to see Habitat for Humanity address these and other questions that our members will be raising.  We hope that you will be able to attend our meeting on April 24, voice your concerns and, hopefully, get some answers.


We will also be discussing the huge increase in commuting traffic on Cherry Lane.  We have learned that this increase is not necessarily the result of opening up left turns off Treat Boulevard onto Southbound Cherry Lane.  Rather, this increase originates from residences to the North of Treat, as well as increased diverted freeway traffic from the south.  In response to entreaties by Walden, the County has implemented some measures to slow the traffic.  We will be seeking input from our members as to what more can be done to actually reduce the volume in both directions.


Free parking is available at the John Muir parking lot on 1400 Treat Boulevard.  Those using this lot should leave a note on their windshield indicating they will be at the Walden meeting.


 Jeffrey Peckham, President

Walden District Improvement Association