December 8th Meeting at Renaissance SportClub hotel next to PH BART

Post date: Dec 06, 2014 11:39:53 PM

Had it with traffic in our area?  It’s about to get worse!

                                     Want to do something about it?

Come to our Public Meeting, sponsored by

your Walden District Improvement Association

Monday, December 8, 2014

7 PM Renaissance Club Sport, 2805 Jones Road

Subject: Developer’s Proposed Change for Block C of the Contra Costa Centre Transit Village (empty lot next to plaza fountain and BART)

Impact: Twice as much area traffic as in the currently approved plan

Proposal:  200 apartments instead of 100 approved condos

Walden vehemently opposes this proposal: It violates the 15 year-old agreement approved by the Community, BART, CC County and the developer.

Come!  Have your say about this proposal and its impact on our neighborhood!  Free parking is available at 1400 Treat Blvd.                          (John Muir: please leave “Walden” note on your dash board)

RSVP:  Larry McEwen at

Learn more about it; Visit Walden’s Web Site.  Review the developer’s study which claims that condo construction doesn’t “pencil out”.